Account Aliases#
Sometimes when you download an OFX file for a bank account the download contains a number like 'XXXXXXXXXXXX12345' and in this case you will need to pick your real account from a dialog in order to tell the Money program which account this is. Then this is remembered as an "account alias" so you won't be prompted every time you download transactions for this account.
You can see the aliases listed on the Accounts Dialog and from there you can delete them or add new aliases. When an alias has been added and you open the drop down you will see something like this:
The item in the drop down also shows a little close box on the right hand side which you can use to delete this item if you change your mind and no longer want this alias.
You can also edit the text box and hit ENTER to add a new alias right here if you want to, but it should not be necessary, because the next time you do an OFX or QFX download, if an alias is found and matched with the real account, an aliases is added automatically.