Bank Accounts#

When you setup a bank account it will be empty, and you can start entering data by clicking in any column.   Click the column headers to sort the list by that column value.

You can add a new transaction by clicking below the last one or by typing ENTER key twice after selecting the last row.  You can add a new transaction right before the selected one by typing the INSERT key on your keyboard, which is handy if you want to give it a date in that general location rather than scrolling to the end.


is for Attachments.  This is also useful for keeping scanned receipts so you can find them later.   


Is for check numbers (sometimes your bank assigns numbers to bill payment transactions and those will show up here also).


The date of the transaction.  It will usually assign the right year, so  you can just enter the day/month.


A color assigned to the category.  You can set the color using the Category Properties dialog.  See Categories


Who the money went to or came from.  This doubles as a "Transfer" field when the transaction is transferring money to or from other accounts.  See Payees.  You can specify multiple Payees using by using Splits.


You can design any category system you like to bucketize your transactions.  This can be handy for the various charts, and for budgeting.  You can specify multiple categories for a transaction by using Splits.  You can use the Categories panel to manage your categories and generate charts.


Type anything you want here, can be reminders.  For downloaded transactions this can contain information that helps you remember what the transaction was for.


The status of the transaction.  It can be blank, "C leared", "Electronic", "R econciled" or "V oid".  Reconciled can only be changed when Balancing Accounts

Sales Tax#

Some states allow sales tax deductions and so this field can be handy for recording your sales tax figures, but is otherwise entirely optional.    But for you to get this deduction you must keep receipts.  See Attachments.


The amount of the transaction.  Use the Payment field if you paid money, otherwise use the Deposit field.  If you have Splits a triangle shows up next to this field that allows you to show or hide the splits in a drop down.


A read only field showing you the current balance of your account.  This field only makes sense if you sort the transactions by date (which is the default).

See also Credit Card Accounts | Investment Accounts | Context Menu